Extracted from Commitment for Life website, http://www.urc.org.uk/mission/commitment-for-life.html:
Prayer Partners 2014
To pray is to seek to enter, in heart, imagination and mind, the situations of all our brothers and sisters across the world whom we have not met, and to place ourselves alongside them.
January – Bangladesh
We pray for
the work of Christian Aid’s partner the Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh, as it helps to empower women to advocate to local councils on issues that affect them.
- and give thanks for the work of the staff at CCDB who have educated and encouraged those in the Basundhara Mohila Somobay Samity Limited Forum to become self sufficient and be a shining example of how development and empowerment should work.
- the president of the Forum Usha Rani Baroi who thanks CCDB for making them ‘self reliant through basic training.’
- all Christian Aid partners working with local people to prepare ways to reduce the impact of disasters on local communities.
February – Zimbabwe
We pray for
all Christian Aid partners in the region who are facing a challenging time but especially Silveria House which works with communities to help build small enterprise schemes including plumbing, carpentry, sewing and juice making. We pray that these schemes allow people to support their families financially and give something back to their local community.
- those who have been part of the six-week plumbing training scheme run by Silveira House and who are now able to support their families and dependants.
- Silveira House’s educational work on HIV/AIDS, book keeping and reconciliation skills.
With grateful thanks for your prayerful support.
Tamyra Sherratt
(photo credits: Commitment for Life)