Children Lead Morning Service

On Sunday 12 February our morning worship was led by the young people from our Loaves and Fishes group.

Children's ServiceGuided by their leaders, Darrell Henderson and Margaret Armes, the children took ‘Building Blocks’ as the theme of their service.  They presented Jesus’ parable of the wise man who built his house upon rock and the foolish man who built upon sand, and this was followed up by a lively song illustrating the story.

At the start of the service everyone in the congregation had been given a stone and a pen to write on it.  Later on we were asked to write on the stones the things that were on our heart that we wanted to bring to God.  The young people gathered them all up and a cairn of prayers was built at the front of the church.  The children shared what they had written on their own stones – ‘family’, and ‘friends’, were two examples.  Then followed the prayers of intercession, which the young people had written themselves.

We are truly blessed in having so many talented and lively young people in our church.

For more photos, see the Gallery.

Post Script:

A prayer cairn was built from the thoughts, words and pictures written on the stones during that service.  These are the words that were written on the stones by the congregation:

Bless our new home; Fellowship; Youth; Beauty; Family; Support; Love; Mum; Church; Children; Peace; Enough food for everyone; Friends; Thank you, Jesus; Babies; god; Home; work; Faithful; Jesse Tree; Blessings; Thank you for this day; Life; Prayers

3 comments on “Children Lead Morning Service

  1. Darrell and Margaret – what a lovely Morning Service on February 12th, led by the Young People. As someone has truthfully observed, our young people are not only our Future – they are very much our Present! “Good Lord, we thank you; Blessed be Your name”. Very well done everyone. Eric.

  2. Thank you Eric for your kind words. I too agree that the Children were amazing and are very much our present!
    Thank you again

  3. What a lovely service. My heart felt strangely warmed and my spirits lifted. I loved every minute of it .
    The singing , the readings and joining in with the actions and writing on my pebble.
    Thank you.
    Thank you
    Thank you

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