After much debate and several permit submissions to the local authorities, the Palani Well Project has finally been allowed to go ahead. We are delighted that, with God’s help and grace, the local people now have access to a continuous supply of fresh water every minute of the day; there is no longer the need […]
Welcome Back!
At long last we have been able to return to Sunday worship in our church building! How wonderful it was to be able to meet together this morning, as Revd John Mackerness led us in worship, pondering the question ‘Lord Jesus: Lord Redeemer, or just a miraculous meal ticket?’ We sorely missed all those who […]
Five Thousand Fed
Sunday, 25th July – Five Thousand Fed Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service. Lay Preacher Sydney F Shore CBE leads our service, which will be our last virtual service before we can start worshipping together again in our church buildings. His theme is taken from the Lectionary for Sunday, which is the feeding of […]
At the Crossroads? Which Way?
Sunday, 18th July – At the Crossroads? Which Way? Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service. Lay Preacher Anna Crawford leads our service, and asks how we determine the way when we’re at the crossroads. She says,’The first time I went to Beacon Hill Church to take the service I had the instructions in […]
Herod’s Birthday Party
Sunday, 11th July – Herod’s Birthday Party Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service with Fleet United Reformed Church. We meet again on Zoom , and our service Lay Preacher Sydney Shore leads our service. His theme is taken from our gospel reading, which takes place in Castle Machaerus, the fortified palace of King Herod […]
‘New Start, Same Mission’
Sunday, 4th July – ‘New Start, Same Mission’ Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service with Fleet United Reformed Church. On Sunday we start a new chapter in our weekly worship at Fleet URC. Last week we said goodbye to our friends at Beacon Hill with whom we have been sharing worship for the past […]
A Service of Celebration & Thanksgiving for the Ministry of Reverend Ruth Dillon
Sunday 27th June at 3 pm on line on Zoom Our Minister, Reverend Ruth Dillon, retires at the end of June after 8 years service at Beacon Hill, Hindhead URC and Fleet URC. She will be greatly missed. This service, held on Zoom, celebrates the time she has been with us. May God bless Ruth […]
The Holy Spirit Aflame as Church: Plan B – Sing Hymns and Worship God
Sunday, 27th June – ‘The Holy Spirit Aflame as Church’, Plan B: Sing Hymns and Worship God Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service with Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Churches. This is our final online service with Fleet URC and Beacon Hill URC joining together to worship and we reflect on the wonderful […]
The Holy Spirit Aflame as Church: Who Is Luke?
Sunday, 20th June – The Holy Spirit Aflame as Church: Who is Luke? Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service with Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Churches. Lay Preacher, Anna Crawford, joins us to lead worship this week, reflecting on Luke, the writer of Acts, and his relationship with another key figure in this […]
The Holy Spirit Aflame as Church: Peter, Spirit Enabled
Sunday, 13th June – The Holy Spirit Aflame as Church: Peter, Spirit Enabled Welcome to our virtual weekly worship service with Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Churches. Lay Preacher Karen Smith leads today’s service as we continue exploring the Book of Acts and learn more about the emergence of Peter as a speaker and […]