From 10th to 19th November, my husband Michael and I went on a Pilgrimage, led by the Reverends Stephen Thornton, Rosemia Brown and Henderson George. The Pilgrimage took us to Jerusalem and the Sea of Galilee. Stephen and Rosemia alternated in leading the Worship at the Biblical sites and also at the evening Devotions held […]
Bethlehem Christmas Cancelled: The Wall Must Fall
Genesis and All That….
In this year of Charles Darwin, as a congregation we have been exploring the Genesis Myths, and discovering the many truths they hold. Let the scientists tell us how the universe and life was created. Our job, and the job of Genesis, is to ask ‘What are we here for?’, ‘How should we live?’, What […]
Fleet’s Amazing Wildlife Sanctuary
Our Harvest Thanksgiving this year celebrated God’s harvest gifts in the beauties of nature, with a particular focus on Fleet Pond, the wonderful nature reserve which is at the edge of our town. A special visitor to our morning service was Mr Colin Gray, Chairman of the Fleet Pond Society, who gave a history of […]
The Story of Fleet Pond
Many of us take the beautiful nature reserve on our doorstep for granted, knowing little of the origins and history of Fleet Pond. When Colin Gray of the Fleet Pond Society spoke at our Harvest Thanksgiving Service he was able to tell us how the Pond and town developed. The area in which the Fleet […]
Nurturing Our Heritage
God has given us glorious gifts in nature, but we have to learn how to nurture and conserve our heritage. We neglect or abuse the natural world at our peril. This may seem to be a contemporary issue that we are just beginning to grapple with, but as long ago as 1976 a group of […]
Gifts Galore!!!
Many congregations these days are suffering because of a dearth of practical gifts available from the people. When asked in Church Membership classes what their gift is, folk often say they haven’t got one. So at Church Meeting we had a look at Paul’s first letter to the Church in Corinth. Paul used to spend […]
Isla Anderson Provan Mercer
Here is baby Isla Mercer, daughter of Sharon and Harry Mercer, who was baptised during morning service on Sunday 26 July.
Why Go to Church?
A churchgoer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one […]
Alice Mary Bagshaw
Alice Mary Bagshaw, daughter of Grace and Alan Bagshaw, and sister to Thomas, was baptised during morning service on Sunday 12 July 2009.