The photos show Fleet URC Pilots enjoying themselves at the Fleet Christmas Festivities last Wednesday. They contributed stars and angels to the LivingStones Christian Bookshop Nativity window:
The Challenge of Evangelism
Evangelism is the theme for the third and final year of the Vision4Life programme, and our Bible Study on 18 November introduced us to the topic. Many people find this a particularly challenging aspect of their Christian life. Our Minister, Stephen Thornton, led the evening, and started by asking “What do we mean by Evangelism?” […]
Autumn Baptisms
This Autumn we have been delighted to celebrate three infant baptisms: Joe Jack McGhie, in the Family Service on 5th September; Archie Robert Cheyne, during the Harvest Thanksgiving service on 26th September; Archie Robert Cheyne and Sean Powys Lilford, whose baptism was in the Family Service on 10th October. Sean Powys Lilford It was a […]
Tree in Autumn
This morning, in the fitful, early light, Beyond the near, familiar scene, I saw, Beyond the cherries, pines and copper beech, Beyond the pitch of roofs, a further tree, Distant, unmarked before, which now emerged, Shining against grey cloud, ethereal, Its thinning leaves light green and touched with gold. Its fragile beauty, knocking at my […]
Birthday Celebration
In honour of Ted Sherwell’s 90th birthday, the congregation were treated to birthday cake with their coffee after morning service on 7 November.
Harvest 2010
Our Harvest windows this year depicted places that are very special to members of the congregation.
The Story of Abraham and Isaac
A study of Genesis 22: 1-19 (This text describes how Abraham was called by God to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah and sacrifice him. How Isaac carried the wood for the fire, asking where was the lamb to be sacrificed, and Abraham replied that God would provide the animal.) At the start […]
Thank You, Bernard
After morning service on 12 September 2010 the church family gathered together to celebrate Bernard Potter’s retirement from the office of Church Secretary after 28 years of dedicated service. The Minister paid tribute to Bernard’s commitment, loyalty, attention to detail, and his pastoral care for the whole church family throughout those years. He presented Bernard […]
80th Birthday Celebration
Everyone was invited to enjoy a special celebration cake after morning worship on Sunday 22 August to mark the 80th birthday of Gloria Edward, who is our longest-serving member.
Church Pilots Support Zimbabwe
Pilots challenged people who came to our church garden party to fill in their ‘Zimbabwe’ sign with 10p coins and to guess how much money it would take to complete it. The correct answer was £23.60, and this sum was donated to our Commitment for Life partner, Zimbabwe.