The Story of Abraham and Isaac

A study of Genesis 22: 1-19 (This text describes how Abraham was called by God to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah and sacrifice him.  How Isaac carried the wood for the fire, asking where was the lamb to be sacrificed, and Abraham replied that God would provide the animal.) At the start […]

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Thank You, Bernard

After morning service on 12 September 2010 the church family gathered together to celebrate Bernard Potter’s retirement from the office of Church Secretary after 28 years of dedicated service.  The Minister paid tribute to Bernard’s commitment, loyalty, attention to detail, and his pastoral care for the whole church family throughout those years.  He presented Bernard […]

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Last night I slept with my window half-open; When I woke, dawn sunshine was lighting the room And I saw golden threads strung from window to frame. In one night a spider, working, in darkness, Had hung his home from the cliff of my window; When I opened it fully, the shining threads snapped. Windows […]

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More Reflections on Oberammergau

Anne Dawes, a visitor to our website, was interested to read the various comments submitted by pilgrims from our church after they visited Oberammergau in June.  Anne wrote that she had wanted to go to see the play for years, and that she was really excited about her forthcoming visit after reading our impessions.  She […]

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Our 98th Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday 18th July we celebrated the 98th birthday of our church.  Our morning worship was led by the Revd Roberta Rominger, General Secretary of the United Reformed Church, who talked about the image we present to the outside world.  She spoke movingly of the commitment and outreach of many of our churches who are […]

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