Our Loaves and Fishes group proudly displayed their ‘sweet church’ which they made after exploring the ‘Roots’ resource material:
Pilots Anniversary Preparations
Our Pilots group has been busy in recent weeks studying the different decades in preparation for their anniversary celebrations. The photos show Pilots wrestling with the Rubik’s cube and other 1980s puzzles, and visiting Milestones Museum in Basingstoke to learn about the past. On Sunday 3rd July 2011 Pilots will hold a special 75th Anniversary […]
Christian Aid Week: The Barista Bishop
The Bishop of Oxford tried his hand as a barista to raise awareness of how small-scale coffee farmers in Nicaragua have been supported by Christian Aid to work their way out of poverty. Bishop John Pritchard learned to make lattes and cappuccinos at AMT Coffee in Oxford ahead of Christian Aid Week, drawing attention to the […]
Nails in the Fence
There once was a young boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next […]
Easter Morning
Easter Morning: A Reflection from the Pre-School Group There were no lights on in the church and the cross was bare. People wandered in, young and old to add their single flower to the cross; Easter was too late this year for daffodils and so we brought what we could find or buy, tulips and […]
Our First Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday: Some Reflections from the Pre-School Group… A small group of people had come up with the idea of a procession, and the turn-out was bigger than I had expected. Bee had cut some long palm branches down from her garden and brought them for us all to carry. We gathered together to share […]
The Sign of the Cross (1)
This Easter Sunday, many people attending our morning service responded to the invitation to decorate a rough-hewn wooden cross with individual flowers of their choice. The result was rewarding. The combined colours of twenty or more varieties included bluebells, camellias, daffodils, forget-me-nots, heathers, lilies, narcissus, pansies, polyanthus, roses, tulips and violets. A very splendid and […]
Easter Windows
Here are this year’s Easter windows – each one designed by a member or group from our church to illustrate an aspect of Easter.
Holy Week in Pictures
Cream Tea for Japan
A charity cream tea was held at our church on Palm Sunday to raise money for British Red Cross workers helping in the worst hit areas of Japan. A prime mover behind the event was Rumi Payne, who has been a member of our church for many years. Rumi was born in the Tokyo suburbs, […]