On Thursday I was a silent participator in my first Silent Communion. What an experience! We sat in a circle with Stephen as our guide. It was a strange feeling. I felt very peaceful and yet excited at the same time. Even though I had never attended a ‘Silent’ Communion before, it was amazing that […]
Pilots Celebrate 75 Years
Sunday 3rd July was a very special day at our church, when we held a double celebration. At the start of morning service baby Keir Eugene Mercer was brought for baptism by his parents, Sharon and Harry Mercer. They were well supported by all their family and friends, and it was wonderful to see the […]
Pilots 75th Anniversary – Photos
More photos from the Pilots 75th Anniversary Celebrations: See: Through the Decades with Pilots for more photos.
Through the Decades with Pilots (Photos)
Pilots and their leaders filled our church window sills with reminders of past decades, in commemoration of their 75th Anniversary: 1930s: Pilots were founded in 1931. This decade saw the outbreak of World War II, and many children were evacuated away from home. 1940s: The War dominated the first half of the decade. Rationing of […]
What Colour is a Copper Beech?
What Colour is a Copper Beech? I try to tell the colours – Purple or red or green, A tender pink or brilliant bronze; All these are often seen. This tree is a chameleon, Changing with shade and light, At times a sombre presence, Then dazzling startled sight. This evening, as it happened, Just as […]
Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us
Our June Bible Study continued the theme of mission by examining the meaning of the word ‘church’, and considering the unintentional messages that we may be sending to people outside. We started by reminding ourselves that the church is a group of people, not a building, and recognising that we need to study two books […]
CORE Skills Certificates Presented
During morning worship on 19 June, certificates were presented to a group of our folk who shared in the CORE Skills course over the winter. The aim of CORE is to extend and develop key skills for children’s ministry. Phil Ray, Children’s and Youth Development Officer for URC Wessex Synod, led the course and presented […]
Wessex Synod Day at Fawley – Photos
Despite some heavy rainshowers, everyone agreed that the Wessex Synod Day was a great success. Crowds of people of all ages came from churches throughout Wessex Synod to enjoy a relaxing, fun day at Fawley Hill Estate, the home of Sir William and Lady McAlpine. A colourful display of bunting from all the participating churches. […]
Church Holiday in Windermere – Photos
A selection of photos from yet another successful church holiday at the Windermere Centre. A lively week of fellowship, friendship and fun was enjoyed by all those who went. Many thanks to Rumi Payne for the photos.
A Room with a View…
The goldfinches are back on our seed-hopper. We can see them from our patio window. They are a joy to behold, with their bright red faces and a vivid yellow flash on their black wings. As this window faces west, I can sometimes pause to contemplate the glow of the setting sun. Useful things, windows. […]