Well done to all our young people, who helped us to see the story of Palm Sunday through fresh eyes. The story of a donkey called Zedekiah and a horse named Marcellus captures the unexpected reversal of power that occurred when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. (See also The Story of Marcellus and Zedekiah.)
The Story of Marcellus and Zedekiah
Our young people interpreted the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem in a very unusual way on Palm Sunday – from the point of view of a horse and a donkey. This is the story of Marcellus the horse and Zedekiah the donkey: (For photos click here) Introduction: Today we would like to present […]
Prayer for April/May
Fruit and vegetables from many countries around the world are found in our shops each day. Bananas first appeared in British shops in the year 1633. Today, out of every £1 we pay for some bananas, only 11p goes to those who have grown and picked them in faraway countries. The other 89p goes to […]
Celebrating 50 Years Service to the Church
Revd Stephen M Thornton, our former Minister, was presented with a certificate honouring 50 years service to the United Reformed Church at the March meeting of Wessex Synod, which was held at Basingstoke URC. Congratulations and very best wishes to Stephen from all of us at Fleet URC!
Join us on Facebook
Did you know that Fleet URC now has a Facebook page, so you can get up to the minute information about what’s going on? If you are on Facebook too, come and say hello – and don’t forget to ‘Like’ us! Find us by searching for ‘Fleet URC’ on Facebook, or follow this link.
Commitment for Life Prayer Request for April
Prayer Partners 2014 To pray is to seek to enter, in heart, imagination and mind, the situations of all our brothers and sisters across the world whom we have not met, and to place ourselves alongside them. April – Our Intern and his work We pray for strength, understanding and passion for this year’s Commitment […]
The Sign of the Cross (4)
The Cross of Jesus has an incredible power to affect all sorts of people. There are many stories of how His Cross has influenced the lives of people, often in the most unexpected ways. Here is a story which I heard first-hand at a Christian Men’s Breakfast organised by a local church. The breakfast was […]
Is Lent just about giving things up?
No!! Lent is not all about giving things up. It’s also about adding good things to our lives or to others’ lives – the kind of good things that follow on what Jesus asks of us, especially things that relate to what we are giving up. Try these: Reconcile yourself to someone you don’t like, […]
Brownies Interpret Story of Esther
At yesterday’s morning service the 8th Fleet Brownies gave a lively interpretation of the story of Esther and the Jewish Festival of Purim, which is celebrated this year on 15/16 March.
More Photos from our Spring Craft and Gift Fair
A wide variety of goods were on sale at our Spring Craft and Gift Fair on Saturday, demonstrating the skill and talents of all the contributors.