Christian Aid continues to support those who are struggling in our world. Although there will not be any house to house collections this year, Christian Aid have set up an e-envelope fundraising campaign. Follow this link to read how you can donate to the work they continue to do for the impoverished and needy. Rose, […]
Sunday Worship for 10th May 2020 – Living Stones
A warm welcome to worship this morning. Our service this week is conducted by our Karen Smith, along with our minister, Revd Ruth Dillon. In this moment in time, when we pause and immerse ourselves in prayer, music and reflection, we can celebrate that we are able to join together as God’s church, even though […]
Christian Aid Week goes online
The health crisis has caused changes to Christian Aid Week this year, which is from 10th to 16th May 2020. The charity has built a virtual Christian Aid Week so that people can take part in their online communities. Worship will be livestreamed during Christian Aid Week, and the charity will also host a fun […]
Christian Colouring for Relaxation and Therapy
Designer Samara Andrews (who works for the URC in the Church Related Community Work team) has created some Bible verses for you to download and colour in. Pictured are completed works by the Revd Carole Marsden. Visit to download yours, and also to check out the latest Advice to Churches about Coronavirus.
Sunday Worship for 3rd May 2020 – The Good Shepherd
A warm welcome to worship this morning. We are delighted to have our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, back with us leading worship this week, alongside Karen Smith. We may not be able to come together as we normally would in our church buildings, but this opportunity to share a time of praise, prayer and scripture […]
Hart Foodbank – Urgent Appeal
Hart Foodbank have reported that demand is exploding for their services, and have appealed for further supplies to top up their stocks. If you’re not sure what to add to your shopping list, here are the foods that they are currently short of: UHT Milk, instant mash, custard, rice pudding, plus the following tinned foods: […]
Easter Services – Easter Sunday update
Sadly, due to Ruth’s illness, we cannot offer video worship from Fleet URC at the present time. However Karen Smith, lay preacher at Beacon Hill URC, invites you to join her in a joyful Agape Breakfast to celebrate Easter morning. Please feel free to watch the service over your own breakfast and worship with her. […]
Continuing to Support Each Other
A new Walking the Way resource for Covid-19, ‘Continuing to Support Each Other’, can be downloaded here.
Our Prayer Circle
‘Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.’ Philippians 4:6 It’s easy to feel very isolated and alone at the moment, and if we have a particular worry or concern it can feel especially unbearable. Yet Jesus has invited us to […]
Coping with Anxiety and Loneliness
A series of reflections on how to cope with anxiety and loneliness in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, including simple Christian meditation techniques and five tips, are offered by the Church of England (click the button):