In this week’s Faith & Life Podcast our minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, considers the nature of digital worship. This podcast may also be accessed by telephone. Please pass on the following information to anyone you feel might be helped by this. First dial this number: 01252 978353. You will hear a recorded voice say, […]
Sunday Worship for 19th July 2020 – Growing Together in Christ
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is conducted by Mrs Karen Smith, who is a lay preacher at Beacon Hill URC. The theme of the service is ‘Growing Together in Christ’. Thank you […]
Falling Upwards (Faith and Life Podcast #3)
In this week’s Faith & Life Podcast our minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, reflects on the moments of crisis in our lives, and how God can change our life around. This podcast may also be accessed by telephone. Please pass on the following information to anyone you feel might be helped by this. First dial […]
Sunday Worship for 12th July 2020 – God’s Gracious Generosity
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is conducted by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, with a reflection and closing prayer by the Revd John Mackerness, who is a full-time chaplain at Heathrow. The […]
Our Divine Bodies (Faith and Life Podcast #2)
In this week’s Faith & Life Podcast our minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, reflects on our divine bodies and how getting in touch with the physical world can help us draw closer to God. Please click here to listen to Ruth’s previous Faith and Life podcasts. This podcast may also be accessed by telephone. Please pass […]
Sunday Worship for 5th July 2020 – Rest for your Soul
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is conducted by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, and Karen Smith, lay preacher at Beacon Hill URC. The theme is ‘Rest for your Soul’. Thank you to […]
God is Still With Us (Faith and Life Podcast #1)
In this, the first of our Minister’s weekly Faith and Life Podcasts, Ruth focuses on changing relationships at the current time. This podcast may also be accessed by telephone. Please pass on the following information to anyone you feel might be helped by this. First dial this number: 01252 978353. You will hear a recorded […]
Hart Foodbank – Latest Update
Christine Siddall, Manager of Hart Foodbank, has written to all supporters to let them know of the Foodbank’s response to the Coronavirus Crisis. You can read her letter here.
July Communion Service
We will be holding our next Communion service on Sunday July 5th at 11 a.m. This will be a live streamed service and an invitation will be sent out for us to meet together. Please make sure you have a piece of bread and a small glass of wine/ juice to hand.
Sunday Worship for 28th June 2020 – A Reluctant Prophet
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is led jointly by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon, and Karen Smith, lay preacher at Beacon Hill URC. The theme is ‘A Reluctant Prophet’. Thank you to […]