In this week’s podcast Ruth reflects on the music that is most meaningful, and finding our inner song.
Sunday Worship for 9th August 2020 – Jesus: Our Bridge Over Troubled Water
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is conducted jointly by our Minister Ruth Dillon and Karen Smith, lay preacher at Beacon Hill URC. The theme of the service is ‘Jesus: Our Bridge Over […]
A Prayer for the Lebanon
Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. (Isaiah 40:1) Holy God, ever present, our hearts are once again heavy as we watch the disaster in Beirut unfold. We pray comfort for those who have lost loved ones and remember those who have lost their lives, commending their souls to your care. In the midst […]
Companions (Faith and Life Podcast #6)
In this week’s Faith and Life podcast Ruth considers the pets who share our lives with us. This podcast may also be accessed by dialling this number: 01252 978353. You will hear a recorded voice say, ‘Welcome to Fleet and Beacon Hill United Reformed Church. The latest Faith and Life podcast will […]
Sunday Worship for 2nd August 2020 – God’s Abundant Grace
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is led by Karen Smith, lay preacher at Beacon Hill URC, with a reflection and blessing by the Revd John Mackerness. The theme of the service is […]
URC Virtual Holiday Forum: 21-23 August 2020
The URC is running a Virtual Holiday Forum this year for the first time. This means you can join in for a weekend of faith, fun and fellowship from the comfort of your own home. Do have a look at the programme:, watch Lawrence Moore’s video, and think seriously about registering. It is sure […]
Our Living Stories (Faith and Life Podcast #5)
In this week’s Faith & Life Podcast our minister, Ruth, considers our our Living Stories, and what they mean.
Beautiful Gardens
The lovely spring weather and the unexpected bonus of having extra hours to spend at home during the lockdown sent many of our church family into their gardens. Here is the result of all their hard work – each photo a wonderful illustration of the glory of God’s creation, which is all around us. Thank […]
Sunday Worship for 26th July 2020 – Glimpsing the Kingdom
We welcome you this morning and invite you to join us each week for worship at 10 am, wherever you are in the world. This week our service is led by our Minister, Revd Ruth Dillon. The theme of the service is ‘Glimpsing the Kingdom’. Special thanks go to Neil Rorie and Pam Hudson for […]
‘Emerging into the New Normal’ – Documents & Video
In the following video, URC Minister Revd Angela Rigby talks about the issues around returning to church buildings during the Covid-19 pandemic, and shares the questions that everyone should consider to protect themselves and others. You may find it helpful to watch this video before completing the questionnaire in the ‘The New Normal’ document. Download […]